Our approach to the investment options for your global plan is simple:
Utilize an open architecture fund neutral offering with no proprietary requirements
Utilize daily traded investments with no holding periods
Disclose, prior to selection, any revenue we would receive from any investment option
Efficiently trade all funds in one omnibus account, not directly with fund managers, to ensure daily trading, minimal trading costs and continuous investment of participant money
Our open architecture offering allows you as the client to select from a range of world class fund managers with no restrictions. Our range of funds covers many share classes, currencies, asset categories, geographic and religious areas.
The options that are selected for your plan should reflect the plan membership – Where are our employees from? Where are they working? Offering investments that employees are interested in, and can relate to, will benefit them in the long run.
The offshore fund trading platform has the following features:
Ability to choose active and/or passive investment options
Ability to select from over 2000 multi-currency funds from over 55 world leading fund managers
Ability to custom build SMaRT Target Date models and/or Risk-Based Strategy models
Contact Us for further information on our Global Plan Investment Options.